

Release date 2019-10-18 on all streaming platforms and available to buy downloads in preferred format at bandcamp.

Album produced by the band.

Recorded by David Carlsson at Gula Studion
Mix and master by Mats Ingvarsson at Bonegoat studio
Cover Mattis Cederberg

"The songs are taken seriously but are re-modelled. Lyrical and elegant. They let their feeling for melody bloom and creates a rhythmic undertow even when tempos are low" Alexander Agrell SDS 19/10 2019


FogelBoo (Birdnest)

Two horn players with sounds ranging from crows to blackbirds commented by noisy condors. A quartet without a chord instrument leaves more to the listener’s imagination, and their own fantasies galore. They have obvious roots in a jazz tradition, but since they are migratory they also nest in other trees, playing music by both Bacharach and Bach besides their own sounds.

Newly released from a short temporary captivity, one day in june 2019, as their warble were documented on a sound recording you can also experience them in the wild, their true element, and book them for concerts! Contact

  • Fredrik Davidsson: trumpet
  • Andreas W Andersson: saxophones
  • Mats Ingvarsson: bass
  • Peter Nilsson: drums

Peter, Fredrik, Andreas & Mats